How does business work? Around 1,500 students from Germany, Austria and the USA try to answer this fundamental question every year while participating in the business@school education initiative. ProSiebenSat.1 has supported the initiative founded by The Boston Consulting Group since 2015 with practical insights into real business models, promoting the participants’ basic business understanding. The students are thus not only taught methodological and practical concepts and relationships in a practical manner, but also acquire a stronger entrepreneurial spirit. In three phases, the participants analyze small and large enterprises over a school year and then develop their own business idea, including a business plan. In 2017/18, a group of students from a Hamburg high school again scrutinized ProSiebenSat.1 Group’s sustainability activities particularly closely. They examined our value chains, customers and competitive conditions for financially sustainable success factors and presented their findings in a final presentation. In the 2018/19 program year, the business@school education initiative has been running for 20 years, during which time a total of around 23,500 students from 219 different schools have taken part.
Fully inclusive television – for over 30 years, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Behinderung und Medien e.V. (abm) has been raising awareness of the circumstances, concerns and interests of people with disabilities with extensive TV programming broadcast throughout Germany. ProSiebenSat.1 has supported the initiative since 2000 with the magazine show CHALLENGE, which is broadcast on kabel eins and SAT.1 Gold on the first Saturday of every month. In a thirty-minute report, our fellow citizens with disabilities are encouraged to participate actively in social life according to their own requirements. In addition, CHALLENGE informs non-disabled people about life with a disability, dismantles prejudices and promotes inclusive thinking. In 2017, the youth magazine “yoin” and the talk show “Krauthausen – face to face” were the first fully inclusive series to be integrated into the format, with optional subtitles, sign-language interpreters and soundtracks with audio description. This is an important development for the accessible “television of the future,” which ProSiebenSat.1 Group’s stations are actively helping to shape.

Day of Heroines
With full woman power and under the motto “Here’s to us! Let’s celebrate women,” sixx celebrated International Women’s Day again on March 8, 2018, under the banner of the Day of Heroines. In the TV schedules, online and on social media channels, the female TV station of ProSiebenSat.1 Group used this day to promote the empowerment and equality of women and young girls in society. In 2018, the Day of Heroines was dominated in particular by issues such as the global #metoo debate and the gender pay gap. On March 8, these issues were the subject of a women’s panel discussion with Paula Lambert, which discussed women in work, relationships and family life. sixx also featured strong, female characters and their stories again in 2018 – such as in the prime-time highlight “Wild,” in which a young woman, played by Reese Witherspoon, faces the challenges of the Pacific Crest Trail, a hiking trail in the USA, in order to face up to herself and her past.
ProSiebenSat.1 and other partners honor outstanding graduation films by film school students with the FIRST STEPS Award for young talent. ProSiebenSat.1 Group uses its particular significance as a film production and distribution company to promote young, creative filmmakers and to ease their entry into the media and film industry. The award, with prize money totaling EUR 115,000, was presented for the 18th time on September 18, 2017, at Stage Theater des Westens, Berlin. Four juries awarded prizes in nine categories, including for direction of films of various lengths and styles and a cinematography prize. This year, the most prestigious and valuable individual prize in the “full-length feature film” category was won by Adrian Goiginger, directing student at Film Academy Baden-Württemberg, for his feature film Die beste aller Welten. Since 2012, the NO FEAR Award has also been presented to young producers who have shown particular courage in the execution of difficult subject matter. FIRST STEPS was launched as a private film industry initiative by the producers Bernd Eichinger and Nico Hofmann and is considered the most prestigious award of its kind in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Galileo Knowledge Award
Since it was established in 2008, the Galileo Knowledge Award honors sustainable inventions and initiatives, which promote an environmentally friendly way of life. The 2017 Galileo Knowledge Award was awarded to the inventors of Showerloop, a shower-system that reduces the water consumption of showers from around 100 liters to only 10 liters. A small change can make an enormous difference: If everyone in Germany showered using “Showerloop,” seven nuclear power stations in the country would be able to cease operations. Galileo presenter Stefan Gödde handed over the Galileo Knowledge Award at the gala for the GreenTec Awards in Munich, which are among the most important environmental awards worldwide. The 2018 winner is researching resource-efficient, integrated environmental technology: BioLab Eberswalde develops sustainable, marketable mushroom-based materials in collaboration with practical and research partners. These materials degrade without creating pollution and are a convincing environmentally friendly alternative to plastic, for example for interior fittings in cars.

Once a year, ProSieben’s logo turns from red to green for Green Seven week. During the annual initiative, ProSieben uses its large reach to raise awareness among young viewers in particular for environmental protection and sustainability. For a week, a spotlight is shone on ecological issues that are communicated with program highlights in various ProSieben magazine shows. In 2017, the themed week from July 3 to 9 called attention to the consequences of climate change and the melting ice at the North Pole under the motto “Save the Ice.” Galileo presenter Stefan Gödde this talked to climate researchers about topics including the threat to polar bears’ natural habitats. To represent the endangered species and the complex issue of climate change, ProSieben adopted the polar bear cub Quintana, who was born on November 21, 2016, at Munich Zoo Hellabrunn. With Green Seven, ProSieben promotes a diverse range of ecologically relevant issues particularly among younger target groups – these include the protection of water („Save the Water“, 2016) or the prevention of bee mortality („Save the Bees“, 2015). In October 2018, ProSieben will introduce the 10th Green Seven week against the backdrop of electromobility issues.
Promotion of young talent in film
ProSiebenSat.1 also promotes young talents from German film and media schools with other initiatives besides the FIRST STEPS Awards. The Group has awarded the Mainstream Prize, which honors innovative ideas for TV films and series, together with University of Television and Film Munich annually since 2011. ProSiebenSat.1 employees follow students as they develop subjects that are then pitched to a judging panel. In 2017, the three best drafts again received prizes totaling EUR 6,000. In addition, ProSiebenSat.1 cooperates with Film Academy Baden-Württemberg and gives out the Prime Time Prize every year, whereby students can subject their concept ideas for a themed film for SAT.1. The prize money totaling EUR 9,000 for the most exceptional film concepts enables the three winners to develop their projects further. Besides financial resources and expertise, our stations also offer coveted prime-time broadcasting slots for particularly creative film ideas. In addition, students from Ludwigsburg obtain insights into our stations’ activities every year by shadowing ProSiebenSat.1 employees for a day, attending an editorial meeting and receiving targeted feedback on their graduation films. ProSiebenSat.1 thus makes an important contribution to the promotion of young talent.

RED NOSE DAY has been a fixture of ProSieben’s programming since 2003: Each year, the broadcaster calls for monetary donations for social projects that support needy children in Germany and all over the world for the charity campaign that originated in the UK. In 2017, numerous celebrities again put on red noses for a good cause and thus raised a total of nearly EUR 330,000. As well as a “CIRCUS HALLIGALLI – RED NOSE DAY SPEZIAL” on May 30, 2017, with celebrity guests such as Katy Perry, Zac Efron and rapper Marteria, our long-standing charity partner STARLIGHT EXPRESS supported RED NOSE DAY with donations once again this year. All the proceeds went to a The Ark center in Herne, which officially opened on January 26, 2018, and has since offered children from the immediate vicinity a place to go to do homework and play in a supervised environment with trained contact partners. In 2018, ProSieben celebrated RED NOSE DAY with the live show “Beginner gegen Gewinner – RED NOSE DAY Spezial” as a programming highlight on April 28. All donations received in 2018 – the live show alone brought in nearly EUR 300,000 – will go toward the construction of a sports field in Cologne-Buchforst by the Lukas Podolski Foundation and to the UNICEF campaign #STOP10SECONDS, which is helping malnourished children in South Sudan.
Taking social responsibility and supporting others while getting to know colleagues from other departments: Since 2013, employees – from the General Manager to trainees – have been able to take part in the corporate-volunteering initiative Social Day and volunteer at social institutions for one day during their working hours. In 2017, a total of 76 colleagues helped to implement more than ten projects in the Munich area. With their DIY skills, they supported the SOS family center in Munich-Neuaubing, the biggest hostel in Munich for homeless men, the Child and Youth Farm in Ramersdorf and an adventure playground. Each was in need of revamping and renovation, which our employees ably assisted. Since Social Day began, over 400 colleagues have swapped their office desks for hammers and drills in order to support social facilities for less privileged people.
“Help for Helpers” is the motto of the startsocial competition co-founded by ProSiebenSat.1 in 2001 to promote voluntary social engagement. Around 500 experts from business, the public sector and social institutions throughout Germany support the practical implementation of volunteer projects: In a four-month coaching phase, a total of 100 selected initiatives receive specialist advice, personal contacts and detailed feedback in order to develop and realize their ideas. In 2017, 25 of the most compelling projects were again selected by an expert panel and invited to Berlin for the national prize-giving ceremony. Seven initiatives received monetary prizes totaling EUR 35,000 altogether, including a special award from the German Chancellor. ProSiebenSat.1 employees once again supported the competition as panel members and coaches in 2017, contributing their expertise in various fields. startsocial promotes social initiatives with various emphases, such as migration, social justice and education, and entered its 15th round for program year 2018/19 in May 2018.
“Help is a joint effort” – under this motto, the WE HELP project group founded by ProSiebenSat.1 employees in 2015 campaigns tirelessly for refugees in Germany. The initiative aims to develop and implement new ideas and concepts for social engagement. At the same time, WE HELP is in close dialog with the local refugee initiative Helferkreis Unterföhring. In 2017 as in the previous year, the initiative put out an online appeal for various drives to collect clothes, shoes and hygiene products for Helferkreis Unterföhring and the Munich refugee aid association’s clothing banks. Our employees also ran for this good cause in eight corporate runs throughout Germany. For every kilometer run, they received cash donations from the Group and raised a total of EUR 30,000. At the invitation of ProSiebenSat.1, some refugees again assisted the Group’s Munich team. Since 2017, ProSiebenSat.1 has also sponsored the jersey of the Welcome Unterföhring soccer club, which contested its first league game as a refugee team in August 2017. The Company also made a contribution in the field of education and migration by donating laptops for Helferkreis Unterföhring’s classrooms. ProSiebenSat.1 Group amplifies its engagement for the integration of refugees as a member of the “Wir zusammen” German business initiative, which is campaigning for the rapid integration of refugees into our society.
We support children
Making children fit for their future and giving them opportunities is one of our society’s biggest challenges. Sport is an essential part of this as an element of everyday life that promotes integration and identity. Therefore, numerous prominent athletes joined the "Wir stärken Kinder" (We support children) initiative in 2017, which was set up by Sportdeutschland.TV, ProSiebenSat.1’s digital sports channel, in cooperation with the charity SOS-Kinderdorf e.V. two years ago. Top-tier athletes from various disciplines invite kids from the SOS Children’s Villages to sporting events or run sports activities for them as a way of boosting community spirit. The ProSiebenSat.1 subsidiary 7Sports thus uses the reach of its digital platform Sportdeutschland.TV in order to recruit athletes to get involved in "Wir stärken Kinder" and to raise additional donations. A charity match between the celebrity-studded “ran Allstars” and “Top Chefs and Restaurateurs Football Club” was also set up to support the initiative in 2017. A total of nearly EUR 40,000 was therefore raised in 2017, which is being used for sport projects in various SOS Children’s Villages. In December 2018, "Wir stärken Kinder" will host a digital fundraising gala for the first time, during which a charity match will be broadcast in the live stream with the aim of generating as many donations as possible with the support of influencers and athletes. In addition to 7Sports, the "Wir stärken Kinder" initiative also supported the German Olympic Sports Confederation and German Sports Youth.