Our corporate culture is characterized by openness and respect. ProSiebenSat.1 values the diversity of individual characteristics, talents, and skills that our employees contribute to the Company. We are convinced that diverse teams are better at solving complex tasks and understanding the different needs of our customers. We therefore regard diversity as an important success factor for our Company. In the financial year 2017, people from around 50 countries were employed at ProSiebenSat.1 in Germany, with 28 different nationalities represented in the workforce at ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE. The average age of ProSiebenSat.1 employees was 36.8 years as of December 31, 2017. [GRI 103-1, GRI 103-2, GRI 103-3]
Employee age structure as of December 31, 2017
Not including international investments in the Content Production & Global Sales segment.
We hire employees entirely on the basis of objective criteria at all hierarchy levels and promote staff based on their skills alone. Other factors such as background and culture, age, gender, sexual orientation and identity, religious beliefs and ideology or physical abilities do not play a role. A balanced ratio of men and women in the Company and in management positions also contributes towards diversity. In 2017, 49.0% of the employees in the Group were female; the ratio at ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE was 58.1%. [GRI 103-2, GRI 103-3]
Proportion of women and men in the workforce Employees by head (HDC) in percent; 2016 figures in parentheses [GRI 103-3]
Not including international investments in the Content Production & Global Sales segment.
Proportion of women and men in management positions Employees by head (HDC) in percent; 2016 figures in parentheses [GRI 103-3]
Not including international investments in the Content Production & Global Sales segment.
Ratio of women at management levels [GRI 103-2]
For information on the percentage of women in the two management levels below the Executive Board at ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE and the corresponding targets, please refer to the Management Declaration in the Annual Report 2017. For disclosures regarding diversity on the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board, please refer to the Corporate Governance Report.
ProSiebenSat.1 Group signed the Diversity Charter in 2014 and follows the guidelines stipulated therein. We thus underline our commitment to creating a working environment free of prejudice and exclusion that specifically promotes diversity among employees. Employees are also required to report discrimination or violations of other principles set out in ProSiebenSat.1’s Code of Conduct to the Company’s compliance officers, for example. In addition, we provide the workforce with mandatory training on the German General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG). [GRI 103-2] Interview “Anti-Discrimination”
Diversity Charter [GRI 102-12, GRI 103-2]

ProSiebenSat.1 attaches great importance to an open and respectful corporate culture, in which our employees can contribute to the Group’s diversity with their various traits, interests and abilities. We therefore signed the “Diversity Charter” in 2014 with the intention of creating an appreciative working environment free of prejudice. Across Germany, the initiative counts more than 2,800 businesses and institutions with more than nine million employees as signatories.