In the Sustainability Report 2016, we published information on the action areas of “Public Value,” “Governance und Compliance,” “Digitalization and Innovation,” “Climate and Environmental Protection” and “Employees and Diversity.” These were partly the result of a materiality analysis based on internal workshops by areas such as Corporate Communications, Human Resources, and Governmental Relations & Regulatory Affairs and dialogs with external stakeholder groups, and were defined in line with the regulatory requirements for sustainability reporting.
In the Non-Financial Group Statement in accordance with section 289c and section 315c (1) of the German Commercial Code (HGB) for the financial year 2017, which was published in March 2018, ProSiebenSat.1 reports on the main non-financial aspects with the corresponding information needed in order to understand the Company’s business development, results and position and the effects of the business activities in this regard. As part of an extended materiality analysis performed particularly in the context of the CSR Directive Implementation Act, we had identified four non-financial aspects for ProSiebenSat.1 and made disclosures on the approaches taken, the due diligence processes applied, the results, and the associated performance indicators. In addition, we already used the Global Reporting Initiative’s GRI Standards as a basis when preparing the Non-Financial Statement. [GRI 102-46]
Material non-financial aspects in the Non-Financial Statement
As a result of different concepts of materiality and new findings from our continuous dialog with stakeholders, we provide extensive information on anti-discrimination as well as on environmental issues at ProSiebenSat.1 in this sustainability report. We also report on other topics below the non-financial aspects that are material for the Non-Financial Statement. Based on the GRI definition, aspects are considered material if they reflect the main economic, environmental, and social effects of the organization or significantly influence stakeholders’ assessments and decisions. Overall, there are five sustainability pillars at ProSiebenSat.1 to which the individual issues are allocated. [GRI 102-44, GRI 102-46, GRI 102-47]